According to Greek mythology, other gods ruled before the Olympic pantheon: the Titans. Euripides Laskaridis delves into this obscure time in human history to reveal ties with our fragile modern world. After the strange figure of Relic, he is back this time, with Dimitris Matsoukas, as primordial beings whose round tummies may be pregnant with child or perhaps ideas. The androgynous costumes deform and reshape their bodies, in an irreverent attempt to return to a world before the advent of reason.


Pièce pour 2 interprètes
Direction, chorégraphie et mise en scène
Euripides Laskaridis Compagnie OSMOSIS Performeurs Euripides Laskaridis, Dimitris Matsoukas Musique originale et création sonore Giorgos Poulios, Themistocles Pandelopoulos Installation sonore et régie son Nikos Kollias, Kostis Pavlopoulos Costumes Angelos Mendis Création lumière Eliza Alexandropoulou Installation lumières Konstantinos Margkas, Giorgos Melissaropoulos Dramaturge Alexandros Mistriotis Collaborateurs artistiques Drosos Skotis, Diogenis Skaltsas, Thanos Lekkas, Nikos Dragonas Assistants de direction Dimitris Triandafyllou, Paraskevi Lypimenou

En partenariat avec le Théâtre Nouvelle Génération, CDN – Lyon