
25 Rue Auguste Comte,
69002 Lyon

Since its creation in 2014, Slika has been advocating for an uncomplicated representation of contemporary art, disregarding labels and pre-established codes. Hand in hand with its established and promising young artists, it nourishes the desire to awaken our curiosity and broaden our vision of the world of today and tomorrow.

Jérémie Masurel and Félix Baezner's approach is above all to allow the artists to experiment, to create a dialogue between mediums, techniques and supports, while giving each artist's original cultures, most often urban, alternative or even marginal, the opportunity to assert themselves in a formal plastic practice that is nevertheless more contemporary than ever.

Living to the rhythm of solo and group exhibitions, but also of artists' residencies and in-situ projects, Slika has become a real place of possibilities and interactions, seeking the involvement of all, artists as well as collectors, the public as well as professionals of the art professions. From the rue Auguste Comte in Lyon, Slika puts at the heart of its commitments the need and desire to focus on art and art alone, under its most confusing and eclectic prisms.