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Invisible/ Invincible is a project of collage in motion, minute and monumental, a body to body with stone. It unfolds, in situ, from inside to outside.

Collage/ performance: October 20-22, 2022
Opening/ artistic aperitif: Saturday 22 October 2022 - 6pm

L'Itinérante is a young collective, created in January 2020, born from the encounter between Johanna Moaligou, light designer and choreographic artist, and Hélène Léonard, visual artist and stage designer.

«Movement», «body» and «paper» are their common tools and in the image of saxifrages, herbaceous plants that grow in the cracks of walls and rocks, the itinerant leaves appear sequenced urban collages which thus create poetic devices and invitations to see the space of the city in a suspended time.


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