
Born in Montreal in 1978, Catherine Gaudet holds a master’s degree in contemporary dance from the Université du Québec in Montréal. She started her career as a dancer for various choreographers before launching into her own choreographic research in 2004. Her first work, Grosse fatigue (2005), obtained an award at the Arhus International Choreography Competition (Denmark), and she won further acclaim for L’arnaque (2006). In 2009, she explored questions of emptiness in her first full-length piece, L’invasion du vide/Invasion of Empty. After creative residencies in Brussels in 2010 and the following year in Berlin, she created Je suis un autre in 2012, examining the contradiction between what we think/hope we are and our deeper instincts.

She continued on this theme in 2014 with Au sein des plus raides vertus, questioning the notion of morality. In 2016, while in residency at the National Choreography Centre (CCN) of Tours, she co-created La très excellente et lamentable tragédie de Roméo et Juliette with Jérémie Niel, a piece transposing Shakespeare’s play into a huis clos. With Tout ce qui va revient (2018), she takes three solos from her 2014-2015 repertory and has them danced simultaneously on the same stage. In 2018, she presented a new opus in Montreal, L’affadissement du merveilleux, a study of cycles as a universal structure. Gaudet is a founding member and co-director of LORGANISME dance company, and a member of the Circuit-Est choreography centre. Alongside Mélanie Demers, Caroline Laurin-Beaucage and Ginette Laurin, she is a creative contributor to the new Centre de Création O Vertigo in Montreal.