
Born 1987 in Boston, USA.
Lives and works in São Paolo, Brazil, and in Maastricht, Netherlands.

The conceptual artist Daniel de Paula makes works from materials that he borrows or acquires from public and private institutions by means of extensive negotiations. Juxtaposing and decontextualising these various artifacts and images, he interrogates their political, social, economic and historical rationales. For the Lyon Biennale, he has devised a video and sculpture installation in dialogue with a Roman funeral mask from Lugdunum - Musée et théâtres romains, which lost its original purpose when reutilised as an architectural and infrastructural element. De Paula’s work seeks to demonstrate that space is a complex network that travels through time, shaping places and relationships.

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  • manifesto of fragility

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Guimet Museum

  • manifesto of fragility

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Guimet Museum

  • manifesto of fragility

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Guimet Museum

  • manifesto of fragility

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Guimet Museum

Guimet Museum

  • manifesto of fragility

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Guimet Museum

  • manifesto of fragility

Puck VerkadePlague, 2019

Guimet Museum