
Née en 1988 à Filderstadt, Allemagne.
Vit et travaille à Bâle, Suisse.

The sound installations of Hannah Weinberger are interactive works that engage the public in the role of collaborator and co-producer. Located in the Musée Gadagne courtyard, listen back / preservation of difference proposes an immersive experience: in real time, prompted by visitors’ appearance (and disappearance)/movements, audio devices play live radio stations from all the places that have been colonised by France. The spectators can stop, observe or simply be carried along by the radio channels that they activate while walking about. As a constantly evolving artwork, specific to its site and time, Weinberger’s piece conceptually and artistically reflects the democratic processes of collectively negotiating information. Conceived with the help of technology specialists using complex techniques, the artist’s intervention transforms the exhibition space into a never silent situation – a meeting point for visitors and nevertheless a space for pausing, triggering polyphonic memories transmitted in real time from other places.

List of the cities and countries hosting the radio stations from which the sound tracks are extracted:

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