Past dates

Dalila Belaza presents a solo in which she continues to explore her relationship with traditional dances, but takes a very different approach than in her previous piece, Au coeur, in which she staged a dialogue between folk dance and contemporary dance. In Figures, she “is searching for the intimate, mysterious and unchanging narrative that lies dormant within us – what speaks in an essential way about being and is able to bring us together. To do this, I’m creating the conditions that make it possible to open up and explore intimacy, as if to extract from it a reinvented human history”.

The Plateforme aux SUBS shows are reserved in priority for programmers. Bookings can be made through the Bureau des Pros:




Piece for 1 performer — 2022

Conception and art direction Dalila Belaza Choreography, sound and light design Dalila Belaza Character creation material Jeanne Vicérial Performance Dalila Belaza Staging assistant Aragorn Boulanger Technical team Sabine Charreire, Tristan Viscogliosi

Production Hiya Dance company — Association Jour avec la Fondation d’entreprise Hermès as part of the New Settings programme Coproduction La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne dans le cadre de l’accueil-studio, a scheme supported by the Ministère de la Culture, DRAC IDF, Charleroi danse, Wallonie, CCN – Ballet national de Marseille, Les SUBS – lieu vivant d’expériences artistique, Lyon Supported by Ministère de la Culture and de la Communication - Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Ile-de-France — Aide à la création, Département du Val-de-Marne, Région Île-de-France Provision Centre National de la Danse - Pantin, Montévidéo, centre d’art
