Born in 1992 in Lyon, France. Lives and works in Marseille.


Sarah Del Pino’s films, installations, and holographic paintings draw attention to situations where what is natural is defined more by an acceptance of present conditions of existence than a yearning for an idealized, past purity. Understanding nature as an extension of the feminine in a world long controlled and defined by male dominion, Del Pino seeks out kindred spirits, using light as a vehicle to reach otherworldly dimensions for artistic exploration. Female athletes, robotic feeding systems, and submerged samples of earth become her avatars; Del Pino encourages viewers to watch and listen as they each refuse the reins of patriarchal authority, casting them o# with deft movements, AI-programmed gazes, and faintly audible, subaqueous screams. (Recipient of the Prix Moly-Sabata, Saint Etienne in 2017)