
Born 1992 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
where she lives and works.

Trained in the performing arts (dance, theatre, music), Sarah Brahim explores in her work the body’s biological and emotional potential. In her series of cyanotypes printed on cotton, entitled Who We Are Out of the Dark, she captures the movements of her hands in order to articulate loss and grief. Exploring how pain is manifested through the human body, she is inspired by the theory of epigenetics, which holds that each of our cells contains all of our genetic heritage. She therefore reflects on the weighty legacy of past experiences and on how we are burdened by our ancestors’ experiences and traumas. While highlighting the fragility of our memory, the artist’s gestures create a composition based on the multiple narratives and concealed memories that bind us.

Also on view at the Fagor factories and in The many lives and deaths of Louise Brunet at macLYON.


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