
Bab Assalam is a Franco-Syrian journey, a trio of virtuoso musicians, floating sounds and velvety songs that blow an air of peace. Bab Assalam encourages us to experience a musical meditation, outside of time and space. Pitched between East and West, this migratory music invites us to be tolerant. From their first meeting in Syria in 2005 to the beginning of exile in 2011, Bab Assalam (“the gate of peace”) travelled around the Middle East, Africa and Europe. The French exile of the two Syrian musicians led the acoustic trio to the frontier between world music and electronic rock; they then created music shows that tell of – and make commited statements about – exile, migration and the journey of ideas. In 2018 they met circus artist Sylvain Julien, who cultivates an obsession with circles and hoops while also developing a singular vocabulary of constraints, exploits and diverse oddities and energies.