• Usines Fagor

    The third episode of La Série Populaire, a project stemming from the desire to revisit practices related to popular events.

  • Lyon, Region

    In a danced lecture that takes its title from Richard Baquié’s sculpture, the choreographer presents the multiple roots and shifting geographies of her artistic practice, and weaves them together.

  • Usines Fagor

    A unique battle concept where all styles face off in a festive atmosphere to the rhythm of house music. The event will be an opportunity to pay a special tribute to its inventor, a hip-hop figure of international standing, who died suddenly last December.

  • Les Nuits de Fourvière

    Room With A View is the not entirely chance encounter between electronic-music maestro RONE and the collective (LA)HORDE, which heads the Ballet National de Marseille and featured in the last Lyon Dance Biennale.

  • Metropolitan area, Region

    Tu me suis ? is the encounter between a male dancer expert in the vocabulary of hip hop and a female clown versed in verbal acrobatics. A playful and mischievous format.

  • Maison de la Danse

    No longer used because it is carcinogenic, the building material elenit lends its name to a jubilant piece of dance-theatre about humankind’s tendency to fail.

  • Opéra de Saint-Etienne

    Thierry Malandain's main source of inspiration is music: his choregraphy flows from the composer's intentions, and from the emotions and feelings he experiences while listening.

  • Théâtre d'Aurillac

    The second opus in a form that h o m e began to explore, everything is temporary – two dancers, two musicians – experiments with the perception of time.

  • Metropolitan area, Region

    With OÜM, Fouad Boussouf pays stirring homage to Umm Kulthum, the Egyptian diva of Arab song, and to Omar Khayyam, the Persian writer whose poems celebrating trance and rapture she sang.

  • Metropolitan area, Region

    In Carmen Torô, Torö, Torõ, the latest family show by José Montalvo, the choreographer invents a multifaceted, universal and joyous Carmen.

  • Region

    Denis Plassard invents a choreographic game with a criminal backdrop, and invites spectators to carry out an investigation to unmask the dancer/culprit!

  • Théâtre de Cusset

    French-Senegalese artist, a rising figure of today's dance, Amala Dianor claims a virtuoso and mixed dance.